Welcome to SRC Trust

Support SRC by becoming a subscriber to the Trust

An Unprecedented Moment in College History

Hild Bede College moved to Rushford Court for the academic year 2024/25, where it will be based for the foreseeable future (there is no confirmed date for a return to the college site – which will be rebuilt as a non-catered college facility).

The SRC has the responsibility of maintaining continuity of Hild Bede clubs and societies, formal dining occasions, social life, and college events – from which for almost fifty years students have benefitted. However, as a direct result of the college redevelopment and relocation, costs to maintain these activities have dramatically increased – in some cases by as much as 80%.

SRC faces this challenge with minimal infrastructure and without any incremental financial support, and at a time when funding pressure is already making SRC financially vulnerable.

We have therefore created a new charitable trust to directly support the work of SRC, and are asking for your support.

Introducing the SRC Trust

SRC is today counting on us. The newly-created SRC Trust exists as a platform enabling alumni to directly support the work of SRC and its activities. It will provide direct financial assistance on an ongoing basis, to enable the continued offering of diverse and accessible events and activities for Hild Bede students.

Our initial goal is to match (and thereby double) SRC’s current income. We are asking alumni who were affiliated with SRC whilst at collage, and who in countless ways benefitted directly from SRC whilst at college, to sign-up for a monthly subscription to SRC – via the SRC Trust.

We’re currently exploring subscription tiers, which will enable alumni subscribers to directly support SRC and ensure that students benefit from the activities and experiences we enjoyed whilst at college.

Our intention is that subscribers receive monthly updates on the clubs and societies, social activities and college events that their support is directly enabling.

To get involved, please use the form below to contact SRC Trust.

Contact Us

The ability to subscribe and make donations will be available soon. If you are an alumni of Hild Bede and would like to support the trust, please get in touch.

We can’t wait to hear from you!